Here's a little battle I made up within two hours. It causes rocks (Tile 74) to block the exits and spawns a Stalfos. The rocks disappear when the Stalfos is beaten, and it doesn't return. Now, I wanted to have the Miniboss be the Giant Ghini (Level 1), but it wouldn't spawn; Would I need an extra interaction to get bosses/minibosses to spawn correctly? Also, ZOLE frequently reverted to an older version of the ROM; could this be related to ZOSE?
writelocation 33FF8
setinteraction72 0
jump3byte 1FEC5
writelocation 1FEC5
setmusic 2D
checkmemory D00B 65
checkmemory D00B 64
setcoords 18 58
setcoords 18 58
settile 74
setcoords 78 48
setcoords 78 48
settile 74
setcoords 78 58
setcoords 78 58
settile 74
spawnenemy 49 0 38 58
setcoords 18 58
setcoords 18 58
settile 3A
setcoords 78 48
setcoords 78 48
settile 3A
setcoords 78 58
setcoords 78 58
settile 3A
setmusic 03
setroomflag 80
NOTE: A few times VBA gave me an opcode error, and the first time I compiled the script the screen got glitched after a few seconds of being in the screen the interaction was on. It hasn't glitched since, though.