Well, I just have some problems at my first steps and I would be grateful if you guys could help me out.
1. I have edited the zone on Rolling Ridge where you find te 5th dungeon. I've ''painted'' the zone of the dungeon so that's not seen anymore, but for some reason when I play on the hacked room, the dungeon still appears... Let me show you directly:
On Zole:

On the hacked room (by using the emulator VBA):

How could I delete that dungeon gate?
2. When I walk to the left, to another screen, I can't move. The game doesn't freeze but Link can't move any place. ->
SOLVED3. How can I put certain items in the chest? I need the shield and the sword (lv-1) but I don't now which ID to put. ->
SOLVED4.I can't change the music. I mean, I put another number in the music section, but when I play the game there is no music (well, that's normal because at the beginning of the game there is no music, but I've changed that at the music section. Maybe I gotta do it on another place related to the starting sequence)
5. start button doesnt work ->
SOLVED6. similar to the dungeon gate (problem no. 1.)

VBA (GBA Emulator):

As you can see, a brown wall appears. And I've already deleted all the interactions, so that's not the problem. It doesnt dissapear even if I put another tile in its place.
That problem also happens in some other places, it basically substitute tiles I've already edited by other I don't want.
7. When I move a statue, it transform into a grave. Someting similar when I cut 'little trees'' it appears an time arp sign instead floor.
8. How can I delete the information of a chest I have already edited? Do I need to find a map for each chest or can the maps being used twice? Because I get nothing when I put bombs into a chest with the same map info than another one (the sword one)
9. How can I find the inside houses maps?
That's all, hope you can help me, guys.
A video showing all the mistakes I experiment: