« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2010, 04:34:42 AM » |
Are we talking Ages or Seasons? For Ages, the Hero's Cave is actually blocked off by a specific tile that is only removed in a linked game. There is a certain type of map data that ZOLE doesn't implement, and it's for single block additions. How it works, is there is a spot in the rom that defines these blocks for each map. There's room number, the block ID, it's location on screen, and which bits in the room flags to trigger it. A good example would be in level 8, where you place the stone tablets into the wall to make the staircase appear. Essentially, each time you return a stone tablet, you set a bit in the room flag. In this case the tablets use the 4 bits used to keep track of locked doors(the lower bits). The game will search for that bit, and if it's turned on, will add lit torches and a filled in wall in whatever side you placed the tablet. Note that this only keeps track of initial screen loading. There is a seperate thing that makes the tiles appear on screen during the event.
Another example would be the stones you see just to the left of the village. How it works is there is a specific interaction that will check to see if a tile is distrubed. If it is, it will set a bit you define in the room flag data. Then, when you come back later, the stones won't appear again. However, if this flag data is set to F0 or greater, it will instead check for certain conditions, mainly if the game had been beaten or if you are in a linked game. One type will add a tile if you are in a linked game, and one type will remove a tile if it's a linked game.
In Seasons, it's different, but I'm sure has to do with the same concept. Instead however with dealing with tiles, we are dealing with warps. I don't think I quite figured that part out yet though.