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: Current Zelda Oracles Hacking Suite beta version:
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Sound List
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Topic: Sound List (Read 580 times)
ZOLE Creator
Hero Member
Posts: 580
Sound List
October 30, 2010, 03:14:26 AM »
Here it is. Some I couldn't identify. Thanks to Mue and Lucario for the help on some. The flutes may not be right, so feel free to correct anything wrong and see if anything exists past C0.
4D - Secret
4E - Ploop
4F - Sword charged
50 - Shovel against unbreakable material
53 - Jump
54 - Pulling a rock up
55 - Exit start/select menu
56 - Knocking something into water
5A - Wrong
5B - Special secret (Knocked the turtle enemies into the holes)
5C - Sound used when switching seasons
5E - Acquired a seed
60 - Low health beep
63 - Damaged a boss
64 - Link died
65 - Link fell down a hole
67 - Boss defeated
6A - No idea. Some sort of garble of trash.
6B - Powerswing
6C - Pushed an item into a hole (Click)
6D - Chopped grass
6E - Traveled downstairs
6F - Bomb blew up
70 - Bridge creation
71 - Pushed something heavy
72 - Lit something on fire
73 - Killed an enemy
74 - Sword swing 1
75 - Sword swing 2
78 - Sword swing 3
79 - HUGE explosion (Chaowowoah gurgle gurgle)
7D - Railcart light changing colors
7E - Color cube rotate 1
7F - Color cube rotate 2
80 - Cart moving
81 - Medium explosion
82 - Something like 80
86 - Nothing
89 - Advance text
8B - Capacity upgrade
8D - Teleport
8E - Switch hook swap
95 - The sound playing when you enter the game and the room is defuzzing
9A - Glitch
9B - Odd version of 4D
9D - Ricky's flute
9E - Dimmitri's flute
9F - Moosh's flute
A2 - Compass telling you there's a key
A4 - Beamos shot
A5 - Rock destroyed
A6 - Sword swing
A8 - Something else destroyed?
A9 - Shovel dig
AA - Water flowing (Used in Ages when you push the stone, Seasons before Level 3)
AB - Sounds like something being pushed into place
AC - Hitting a Buzz Blob
AD - Tune of Echoes
AE - Tune of Currents
AF - Tune of Ages
B0 - Screen shaking (Earthquake)
B1 - Gannon throwing energy
B2 - Screen shaking (Earthquake) shorter
B3 - Screen shaking (Earthquake) shortest
B4 - Traveling somewhere... Represents a flow of energy
B5 - That one balloon guy who gives you the map
B6 - The green things on Level 3 island
B8 - Screen shaking (Earthquake) Shorter than B2, Longer than B3
B9 - B4 but endless
BA - Sounds like the Beamos shooting but isn't
BB - Not sure. Kinda sounds like another beam
BC - Something massive getting destroyed
Last Edit: October 30, 2010, 03:20:36 AM by Lin
Gamma 31
Jr. Member
Posts: 98
Re: Sound List
Reply #1 on:
November 02, 2011, 02:43:22 AM »
If you don't mind me posting here, what's the sound used when you start to pick up an essence? You know, the little ding-like sound when you reach the top of the small steps? I think it might also be used twice in a row as the 'key drop' effect.
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