You will begin the game in a house without bed.
You walk on the overworld without enemies.
You search for the sword.
You will find the sword in a chest that is available in a cave nearby bigfish cavern.
When you take the sword, you must go to bigfish cavern. Get the shield and more enemies + town people will appear in the overworld.
The dark world will never be reachable by using using harp of ages.
You must go to a special time/world portal. The dark world will have portals to special places in light world.
Discover the corrupted oracle of ages overworld. Find crazy dungeons that requires you to go back to bigfish cavern for just getting new items. There will be alot blacktowers with some bosses that requires you many hearts + new items that you find spreaded in the overworld.
Sequence breaking must be impossible.
Everything must be chronological as i wished and wanted in my storyline.
No one should be able to skip the important parts of the game.
My storyline should not have gameplay leakage. (Youtube videos is allowed for spoiling sequence breaking without cheats) i will fix those areas if i can. Each item is like a key for reaching new places. You can't obtain key 2 before key 1.
Don't play the game in wrong ways. You will be killed by a impossible hard boss or get stuck in the game.