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Author Topic: A New Link's Awakening Editor  (Read 835 times)
ZOLE Creator
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« on: August 15, 2010, 08:53:55 PM »

Well, my hacking skills have improved massively, along with programming skills, so I'm going to be writing another Link's Awakening editor. This time, the two biggest features it will have are loading both sprites and tilesets from the ROM, and making the speed MUCH faster. I will be dropping the ZLADE title, since it has given itself a bad name, and call it something else. Any suggestions are welcome Cheesy

So basically what this means for the community is there will once again be more activity. A new category dedicated to Link's Awakening hacking, just like the Oracles Hacking category, will be added. Because of this, I might make a new Oracles editor, or release ZOLE's source. I'm not sure yet, as this is just an idea in progress.

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« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2010, 09:50:20 PM »

That's pretty good news.  A new Oracles level editor would be good as well.  I've been busy and I've discovered how the text events work as interactions.  Currently ZOLE misreads certain data formats and it could cause problems for people who do want to edit those events.  Currently I am trying to create a new interaction that would allow for the 4 dungeon staple items, keys, boss keys, map and compass to be more portable rather than rely on chest data.  Think about that.  Excluding keys, that could stand to cut as much as 96 bytes that could be used to add chests for other stuff.  There could even be a possibility of having multiple chests in a single room if I try hard enough.
ZOLE Creator
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« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2010, 10:25:31 PM »

A new Zelda Oracles editor won't happen for a long time. I'm still getting over the grudge I have against those games for being the way they are. But anyway, before I even get to the new LA editor, I have to finish testing JohtoMap and release it. Right now it seems to be bug-free but I can never be too sure, since it's actually very decent and will be used by tons of people.
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