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News: Current Zelda Oracles Hacking Suite beta version: 0.05
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 on: February 13, 2014, 02:18:46 AM 
Started by Lin - Last post by iago92
Thanks! Smiley

I have some questions about Zelda hacking:

Can I insert more characters than the originals from Oracle of ages? If the answer is no, can I use the same character in different maps with a different text?
Is the text from the signs editable from ZOTE? Because I canīt find sign's text there...

(Sorry for my english, I'm spanish)
And thanks for this great application! I prefer Zelda Oracles Hacking Suite since I'm a beginner, but it has less options...

 on: February 12, 2014, 10:34:44 PM 
Started by Tii - Last post by Lin
Sure, you can use TLP
Why is everyone using Tile Layer Pro, when better sprite editing programs, like YY-CHR, already exist?
That's a good question. TLP lacks so many features like opening a ROM with it and expecting TLP to load the ROM. But perhaps it's because it's popular, simple, and has a rememberable name, unlike YY-CHR.

 on: February 12, 2014, 10:33:23 PM 
Started by Lin - Last post by Lin
Can you re-up the last version (1.26.1)?

Please! Sorry

 on: February 12, 2014, 01:36:54 PM 
Started by Lin - Last post by iago92
Can you re-up the last version (1.26.1)?


 on: February 12, 2014, 12:01:16 PM 
Started by Tii - Last post by Mariofan5000
Sure, you can use TLP
Why is everyone using Tile Layer Pro, when better sprite editing programs, like YY-CHR, already exist?

 on: February 05, 2014, 09:04:53 PM 
Started by Mue - Last post by BigTarantula99
I'm gonna add some stuff here, and I will update this from time to time as I discover stuff.
In areas where there are pushable blocks or stones (in caves and dungeons), there are usually six of those objects in a row.  In Area ID 54, for example, starting at Tile 18 in the tile selector, the order goes like this (reading from left to right):

1.  Pushable up only.
2.  Pushable right only.
3.  Pushable down only.
4.  Pushable left only.
5.  Pushable in all directions.
6.  Stationary (not pushable).

 on: February 05, 2014, 08:50:16 PM 
Started by Lin - Last post by BigTarantula99
I'm gonna add some values for some more items that worked for me as I was fooling around with chest IDs and ZOCF.  Most of these require ZOCF to fix freeze issues.  I'll update this post if I discover any other values that aren't mentioned in Lin's post above.  Hopefully these will help.

(Yes, these are basically the Weapon IDs already mentioned in the Weapon List here, but I just put the chest IDs here for beginners anyway.)

0100     Shield (0100 = Level 1, 0101 = Level 2, etc.)
0300     Bombs (10)
0400     Cane of Somaria
0500     Sword (0500 = Level 1, 0501 = Level 2, etc.)
0600     Boomerang
0A00     Switch Hook (0A00 = Level 1, 0A01 = Level 2)
0C00     BigGoron Sword
0D00     Bombchus (10)
0E00     Strange Flute
0F00     Seed Shooter - Don't give to player until they have obtained the Seed Satchel!
1100     Harp of Ages
1500     Shovel
1600     Power Bracelet (1600 = Level 1, 1601 = Level 2, etc.)
1700     Roc's Feather
1900     Seed Satchel (Includes 20 Ember Seeds)
20XX     Depending on value of XX, 4 Ember Seeds or Gasha Seed
25XX     Harp of Ages (Value of XX determines what tune is included.)

 on: February 04, 2014, 08:35:11 PM 
Started by Lin - Last post by Mariofan5000
Well, it has a lot of flaws. For starters, it's way too difficult.
I've noticed. I actually had to use a cheat code to deal with Boss 3. Sad
There were some pretty terrible design choices. Second, it uses all old ZOLE stuff so down the line it would become harder to work with.
Guess I understand.
Third, we don't like the overworld.
I actually kinda like it. Tongue
Fourth, our skills regarding assembly and programming have greatly improved. We could do everything a lot better.
That's always a +.

 on: February 04, 2014, 08:29:06 PM 
Started by Lin - Last post by Lin
Well, it has a lot of flaws. For starters, it's way too difficult. There were some pretty terrible design choices. Second, it uses all old ZOLE stuff so down the line it would become harder to work with. Third, we don't like the overworld. Fourth, our skills regarding assembly and programming have greatly improved. We could do everything a lot better.

 on: February 04, 2014, 08:21:43 PM 
Started by Lin - Last post by Mariofan5000
That's really bad, because I see a lot of potential in this hack. Sad

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