Editing everything other than overworlds and dungeons is the goal after ZOLE.
Unreleased tools:
ZOMUE let's you modify/edit the existing music.
ZOFXE let's you modify/edit the existing sound FXs.
ZOINE let's you modify/edit the existing game intro.
ZOTIE let's you modify/edit the existing game title.
ZOSSE let's you modify/edit the existing select screen + be able to remove the password system.
ZOCRE let's you modify/edit the existing game credits + the end.
ZOESE let's you remove all essences and have golden keys instead.
ZORIE let's you remove all rings + delete the ring screen
ZOITE let's you remove and add new items + let's you remove the side quest item screen.
ZOWE let's you remove, rename, add a new world or dungeon, like having 6 Worlds and 20 dungeons, each having it's own map.
Who the hell would want such a clusterfuck of tools like that.
I just give away all my zelda tool ideas.