Lin, why not just fully expand the opcode list, move the ASM that was after it, change the pointer, then for the new pointers just jump to some unused space by following the same routine as a mid bank-bank swap? Futhermore, there are actually some free opcodes earlier on in the list that are never used, and point to redundant code that you should be able to use. I think I discovered that it was either in the Bx or the 9X were some opcodes that apparently don't have any use.
Edit: Apparently A0 to A7 are not used, and point to 43 43, which I don't know what it does. Just let me check Seasons in case it was used there. Yup, not used. I'm not sure what the code actually does, but why need 8 copies of it? Unless you know the true answer to that, Lin, I'd say those are the best places to add in new opcodes.
Already did that. The ASM after the pointers is just a no-script: pop hl, inc hl, ret. I replaced it with the pointer, and the new opcode is FD, but I never closed this topic. I guess I should do that now. Thanks