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Author Topic: Creating Custom Dungeon Walls/Floor/Base Tiles  (Read 458 times)
ZOLE Creator
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« on: June 28, 2010, 09:43:55 PM »

Well, I wouldn't imagine many people will actually take use of the feature built-in to ZOLE, but I guess it's because they don't understand how to. So, here's an example of using custom floors with your dungeon (Ignore the palette).

So normally these graphics are all compressed, but ZOLE can decompress the base graphics to allow for editing and they show up pretty much instantly. Before we start, you're going to need a graphics editor. I recommend Tile Layer Pro. It's basic, but it gets the job done.

Now, load the area or base tiles you want to edit. Next, go to Tools > Decompress Graphics > Selected Tileset Base Tiles. If it worked, you'll probably see "Decompressed to 0xE2AF0". Keep note of the number it shows.

Next, open up TLP or your graphics editor, and open your ROM (AFTER SAVING IN ZOLE FIRST). Go to the address it told you about and you'll see something like this.

Pretty ugly palette huh? On the Palette Editor, I suggest making it look like this.

Okay. So now you have a bunch of raw tiles just sitting there. So what do you do with them? Well, here's a short map that shows you what's what.

To know what color does what, open the Palette Editor in ZOLE. For example, the floor palette is 2. So, placing a white pixel will appear to be very light brown, a light gray pixel will be brown, etc...

Once you've edited the tiles, click Save and Re-open it in ZOLE. If you don't, ZOLE will overwrite it with what it had in the file buffer before. And besides, once you do that, you get to see your changes! You can use this for the base tiles in the overworld tilesets, along with anywhere else, but keep note you can't edit EVERY tile that gets shown (Mainly the middle ones that actually change), but it's still cool, because you can have your own trees and such.

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