So I had this idea in my hack where at one point I needed a warp, something like the one on map F1 of map group 5 (Twinrova/Ganon battle warp, when you go to rescue Zelda). Now I could have spent my time building my own script, but rather than doing that I decided I'd find the address for the interaction and edit it myself. After about half an hour (give me a break, I've never done this before

) I finally was able to find the address for a few things, and here they are:
0x4BD4 - Keep first number as an 8. Second number is destination group.
0x4BD5 - Map you are being teleported to.
0x4BD6 - After the inital warp, this is how you will enter the map you get teleported onto (0x05 is the traditional fall down from above).
0x4BD7 - The position you will be put on, YX form.
Thats pretty much all you need for editing, at least thats all I needed so I didn't test anything else. Basically, just change the bytes to the appropriate values. Don't forget to add the type 2 interaction DA00 into your map, it will activate when Link steps on it.