I don't think I ever actually showed this here, but I know I've shown this on the IRC numerous times. Um... yeah, so I got some sudden motivation to use ZOLE 4 to continue my first dungeon. Here's a screenshot of the current overworld, I worked hard on it.

Yeah there's perspective errors here and there but I will get to them later.

The overworld is split into four islands, obviously you start on that island shown; Link starts at the bottom left house. There's a town, a mountain and the first dungeon. The concept of portals in this game is to not transport you to the future, but rather, a "dark" or "shadow" world where you need to certain stuff to activate stuff in the REAL world. Think of Metroid Prime 2 Dark Aether and Light Aether puzzles.
(The chest near the house at the bottom is only for beta testing purposes only, it will be removed if I decide to release a demo or the full hack.)