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Author Topic: "Tokay cave" (path to Ancient Tomb): missing door in the original game  (Read 531 times)
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« on: December 27, 2010, 01:12:26 PM »

Well this might be a very minor hack you could do to fix a "little bug" in the game.

On your way to level 8, you get the Tokay Eye from the Pirate Captain, which opens the path to a cave that tells you that you have to prove your courage, wisdom and strength (kinda in reverse order) to get through. The first room has a bunch of Gibdos to defeat, so that's the strength room. The third one is the courage room, an invisble floor maze you have to solve with your Cane of Somaria (or with your feather and pegasus seeds by jumping right and then upwards  :001_tongue:). So the second room is the one where you have to proof your wisdom. It features blade traps, and you have to use your power bracelet/level 2+ sword, feather and bombs to get through the first part. The second part of the room features Hardhat Beetles and cracked floors, so they obviously want from you to open some of the holes in a smart movement and then throw the two Hardhat Beetles into them. Yet you can pass this room without bothering about that, since there is no locked door that could prevent you from not just walking past them.

TL;DR, here's a picture of the fixed version:

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« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2010, 11:29:13 PM »

Very interesting o.O I didn't think the room wasn't locked. I thought it was fishy when I couldn't remember having to break open a hole and push the enemies in...
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« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2010, 12:49:00 AM »

Perhaps they took it out because it's not good level design to intentionally hurt the player in order to proceed.  Also it could be that if somebody had the Roc's Ring equipped, they maybe couldn't figure out why the floors wern't crumbling.  I know of other games that give crumbling floor protection, and people often forget to switch it off when they need to sink or fall down or somthing.
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« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2010, 06:35:14 AM »

Perhaps they took it out because it's not good level design to intentionally hurt the player in order to proceed.  Also it could be that if somebody had the Roc's Ring equipped, they maybe couldn't figure out why the floors wern't crumbling.  I know of other games that give crumbling floor protection, and people often forget to switch it off when they need to sink or fall down or somthing.
Since when can you not fall in holes if you have the Roc's Feather equipped? I always thought you could?
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« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2010, 02:12:49 AM »

Perhaps they took it out because it's not good level design to intentionally hurt the player in order to proceed.  Also it could be that if somebody had the Roc's Ring equipped, they maybe couldn't figure out why the floors wern't crumbling.  I know of other games that give crumbling floor protection, and people often forget to switch it off when they need to sink or fall down or somthing.
Since when can you not fall in holes if you have the Roc's Feather equipped? I always thought you could?

He is probably referring to using the rings. I know that two of them can either prevent you from falling into sandpits or falling through cracked floors.

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« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2010, 09:58:29 AM »

Perhaps they took it out because it's not good level design to intentionally hurt the player in order to proceed.  Also it could be that if somebody had the Roc's Ring equipped, they maybe couldn't figure out why the floors wern't crumbling.  I know of other games that give crumbling floor protection, and people often forget to switch it off when they need to sink or fall down or somthing.
Since when can you not fall in holes if you have the Roc's Feather equipped? I always thought you could?

He is probably referring to using the rings. I know that two of them can either prevent you from falling into sandpits or falling through cracked floors.
Oh, I thought he said Roc's Feather, not Roc's Ring. I misread Tongue
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« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2011, 11:02:01 PM »

Perhaps they took it out because it's not good level design to intentionally hurt the player in order to proceed.

It is possible to open a cracked floor without falling into it. It requires good timing, though.
You either have to stand on the edge of the cracked tile and move quickly away after about two seconds, or you jump with your Roc's Feather.

But you still have a point there - the designers possibly thought the players didn't expect that this works either. And since it was further complicated by Hardhat Beetles following your path, they were maybe like "alright screw this idea and remove that door, the  blade traps are enough."
Yet i don't understand why they didn't simply exchange the cracked tiles for regular holes then...

Also it could be that if somebody had the Roc's Ring equipped, they maybe couldn't figure out why the floors wern't crumbling. I know of other games that give crumbling floor protection, and people often forget to switch it off when they need to sink or fall down or somthing.

Well i'd barely call that a reason Tongue
This is merely a ring you use for a short period of time - e.g. in a single room of a dungeon - which afterwards you change back for your prefered ring (with a more universal effect).
If somebody is permanently using the Roc's Ring the player either (a) has no other ring he/she'd like to activate, (b) some severe hole-falling paranoia or (c) simply didn't understand how Magical Rings work  :lol:

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