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1  Oracles Hacking / Opinions and Experiments / Re: "Tokay cave" (path to Ancient Tomb): missing door in the original game on: December 29, 2010, 02:12:49 AM
Perhaps they took it out because it's not good level design to intentionally hurt the player in order to proceed.  Also it could be that if somebody had the Roc's Ring equipped, they maybe couldn't figure out why the floors wern't crumbling.  I know of other games that give crumbling floor protection, and people often forget to switch it off when they need to sink or fall down or somthing.
Since when can you not fall in holes if you have the Roc's Feather equipped? I always thought you could?

He is probably referring to using the rings. I know that two of them can either prevent you from falling into sandpits or falling through cracked floors.
2  The Site / Announcements / Re: Attention - Contest Coming Soon on: December 04, 2010, 08:34:18 PM
I'm really trying, but I have been studying for finals for the past 2 weeks. I'm going to try to make it.
3  General GameBoy Hacking / General GameBoy Talk / Re: LA/OoX Custom/Recolor Sprites on: November 29, 2010, 06:22:04 PM
That's nice. :thumbup: I found the sprite data on tile layer pro, but it's so confusing on what part is what. I wanted to edit some of the sprites.
4  General GameBoy Hacking / General GameBoy Talk / Re: LA/OoX Custom/Recolor Sprites on: November 28, 2010, 12:41:16 AM
Did you also make the sprite animations for them? Like when they jump or move?
5  Oracles Hacking / Tutorials / Re: Calculating the ASM Address of a Type 2 (And Possibly Others) Interactions on: November 27, 2010, 12:15:26 AM
So is 3B8B hexadecimal?
6  Oracles Hacking / Help / Re: Minibosses on: November 26, 2010, 06:36:24 PM
yeah but sadly I'm not sure how to do that.
7  Oracles Hacking / Help / Re: Minibosses on: November 26, 2010, 04:16:38 AM
Darn. I wanted to use Vire, specifically the sprite and place it through out the dungeon, making him say different things depending on what items you have acquired, but not attacking you, until the miniboss room.  Sad
8  Oracles Hacking / Help / Re: Transfering Tiles on: November 26, 2010, 01:41:26 AM
How can you find out the address for each map?
9  Oracles Hacking / Help / Minibosses on: November 25, 2010, 09:55:17 PM
I'm not sure if I'm asking in the right place, but i'm curious on how the miniboss scripts work. I want to use Vire, the miniboss in the 6th level, in a password game, when you enter the room, the controls are disabled and text pops up saying something about onox and some other stuff and then he the battle begins, yet when I look on ZOLE, and check the script, there is no script for that room. Is the script read from the miniboss data?
10  The Site / Announcements / Re: Attention - Contest Coming Soon on: November 24, 2010, 04:11:47 AM
Okay then I guess i'll sign up, but i can make any promises that I will be able to send my hack or even work on it. As of right now, there are things that are going on in the real world that i need to concentrate on.
11  The Site / Announcements / Re: Attention - Contest Coming Soon on: November 23, 2010, 08:13:00 PM
Probably not. While I understand the basics of making a dungeon, I have no idea how to script.
12  The Site / Announcements / Re: Attention - Contest Coming Soon on: November 22, 2010, 06:39:39 AM
This sounds really great Lin.  :thumbup:  I hope that it gets a big turnout.
13  Oracles Hacking / Ideas / Re: Zelda alttp in oracle of ages on: October 29, 2010, 12:25:44 AM
That looks really good. I'm pretty sure with a little imagination and a LOT of time. Someone could make a game similar to alttp. Heck it could even be a cooperative project where one person does one area of the map, while another one does another area.
14  Oracles Hacking / Help / Where can I find a good quality Oracle of Ages Rom? on: October 20, 2010, 07:47:06 PM
I cant remember where I got my other rom from and I accidentally deleted it, so I want to know where to look, so I dont get a buggy or fake one.
15  Other / General Discussion / Re: Hello out there! on: October 04, 2010, 08:28:27 PM
I visit the site almost everyday, to see how the production is coming along. to tell you the truth, i would like to help out, but i dont know how to code or do any of the processes needed.
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