« on: June 28, 2010, 10:28:31 PM » |
As of version 1.03 and under - Do not use more than one Type 6 spawn!
So I bet you're wondering how to create enemies without using the existing enemy spawn groups. No problem. Before we start, let's get this out of the way:
Type 6 Interactions - A Random-Positioned enemy (Purple) Type 7 Interactions - A regular enemy with its own set position (Also seeds and some other stuff) (Brown)
So, first off decide which you want. Type 7 is most common in dungeons, as it's more of a challenge not knowing where your enemies are. But personally, I prefer position-specific ones.
Basically, all you do is create one of those types and set its ID and maybe position. For type 7, ignore the Quantity value. This can pretty much always be 00. But, if it's type 6, read on.
The quantity value in Type 6 is actually kinda weird. 00-1F will spawn about 20 enemies of the specified choice. Only bits 5, 6, and 7 are used. To find out the proper quantity, take a look at this list.
1 Spawn - 20 2 Spawns - 40 3 Spawns - 60 4 Spawns - 80 5 Spawns - A0 6 Spawns - C0 7 Spawns - E0
When using Type 6, be sure to use one of the values above, or else you'll end up with several spawns and the game will be very slow.
There's an enemy list in the Lists section. Check that out for a list of almost all the enemies.