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Author Topic: MISICS  (Read 108 times)
Jr. Member
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Revamper of ZOLE 4 for ZOLE 4.5

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« on: March 10, 2014, 04:05:48 AM »

Once upon a time, there was a new ROMhacking tool released.  It's name was ZOLE 4.  It allowed production of a custom Oracle of Ages game.  It was popular.  Many hacks were started, many had good intentions and good plans, many were getting along great.  The forums were booming, many questions were asked, many questions were answered, many releases were made, and much good was happening.  Then, all of a sudden, everything kinda... died.  Hacks were dropped, people were no longer heard from, and so many good intentions... disappeared.  And the only thing ever put in the Finished Hacks section was a beta demo of a game that was originally going to be released by Nintendo, and there's no way to even download it.  And here we are today, wondering what happened.  But that was before a zeldahacking administrator guy came along.  A guy whose dream was to make his own Zelda dungeon for years.  A guy who put all possible effort into learning and sticking with ZOLE 4, even after failed attempts.  A guy whose sole intention was to bring that popularity back into ZOLE 4 and keep it there forever.  A guy whose goal was to get people excited about OoA hacking for the release of ZOHS.  A guy whose goal is to put together the first ever hack of Oracle of Ages, completely original, with 8 new dungeons, new events, new overworlds, new and original everything, and to stick with it, no matter how long it takes.  That was before... BigTarantula99.

My hack is entitled "MISICS" for some reason.  It just kind of describes the game - fun, mystical, original.  It is making great progress and I'm currently working on the overworld after Level 1.  For completion info, see my signature.  For more info, join me in the IRC or just read any posts below this.  (Or create your own post.)

Proud part of the IRCs #smwc and #ZOLE as BigT.

Completion Status: 12%

ZOLE Creator
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« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2014, 04:27:53 AM »

I've witnessed a playthrough of the first dungeon of this hack. It looks very promising. It is without a doubt the best Oracles hack in development! Though that isn't saying much since it's the only Oracles hack in development...
Jr. Member
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Posts: 55

Revamper of ZOLE 4 for ZOLE 4.5

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« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2014, 08:55:02 PM »


Well, the sad truth has come.  I'm dropping this hack.  It's just not turning out the way I originally planned and there's wayy too many glitches in it.  I think I could do a much better job.  I've officially decided to wait for the full version of ZOHS to be released and use that to make a new hack, since it'll be so much simpler.  In the meantime, I'll focus on my SMW hack.  I apologize to anyone who's super excited about this, but I have no choice.  RIP, MISICS Sad
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 09:17:28 PM by BigTarantula99 » Logged

Proud part of the IRCs #smwc and #ZOLE as BigT.

Completion Status: 12%

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