« on: February 26, 2011, 03:20:06 PM » |
This is an incomplete list, and if you have anything that is not already on here, tell me and I will put it on.
Please keep in mind that each enemy movement is different, and causes the sprite to change differently, meaning there is a extremely large chance I may have not only missed a lot of sprites, but also wrote down the wrong sprite. Also keep in mind that there are values that I intentionally left out despite actually being something.
I recommend that if you want a certain enemy sprite value, you actually edit that enemy and look at what there is rather than off this list.
Although the list sucks majorly, it is better than nothing. Enjoy.
F - Creepy Impa 15 - Din? 16 and 17 - Onox? 18 - Twinrova Head 24 - Ralph 26 - Nayru 28 - Tokay 2A - Goron 2C - Twinrova Fire Witch Head 2E - Twinrova Ice Witch Head 30 - Twinrova Fire Witch Hear 32 - Zelda (I think) 3C - Vire 3E - Kid, Black Hair 44 - Zora 46 - Bipen 48 and 49 - Various forms of Bipen's Child 4C - Cucco/Dog 4E - Teddy Bear 50 - Bunny 51 - Snake 52 - Old Guy of sorts? 53 - Goron Again, maybe a different kind? 54 - Queen Ambi? 5A - Goron Elder 5C - Pony Tail Girl 5D - Happy Ghost 5E - Hungry Man 60 - Bridge Carpenter 62 - Shop Keeper 64 - Sword 66 - Baby Jabu Jabu 68 - Dancing Goron 69 - Whirlpool? 6B - Vine Seed 70 - Present and Past Signs 78, 79 and 7A - Various Sprites: Heart Piece, Ring Box, Fairy, Ruppes, heart, dungeon map, keys compass. 7C - Seeds, seed satchel and seed shooter. 7D - Power braclet and glove. 80, 81, 82 - Trading Quest items 84 - Sword again 8C - Pol's Voice, Spikey Beatle, Hard Beatle (those invincible ones) 8D - Trading Shrub out of the ground 8E - Moblins arrow 8F - Leever 90 - Pig Moblin 91 - Sword Again? 92 - Those Hole grabber thingies 93 - Buzzblob 94 - Crab and Water Fish from sunken city? 95 - Lynel 96 - Falling Boulder 97 - Mini Moldorm 98 - Dark Nut 99 - Like Like 9A - Some clusterfuck of extrmely large sprites? I know its an enemy but what one... 9B - Spark/Anti Fairy 9C - Hooded Stalfos 9D - The mario spikey cactus thingy ripoffs. 9E - Both versions of the blade trap A0 - Iron mask (shelled) A2 - Floor Master A4 - Cheep Cheep? A5 - Bubble? A7 - Extremely large fire ball B1 and B2 - Mole Miniboss B4, B5 and B6 - Level 4 miniboss B8 and B9 - Leve 5 Miniboss BA - Level 8 miniboss? BC, BD and BE - Level 1 Boss BF and C0 - Level 2 Boss C2 and C3 - Level 3 Boss C4 and C5 - Level 4 Boss C6 - Level 5 Boss C8, C9 and CA- Level 6 Boss CB and CC - Level 7 Boss CE and CF - Level 8 Boss D0 - Nayru evil? D2 and D5 - Dark link
I went a good amount of values after this but they were all screwed up things that didn't deserve to see the light of day.