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LynnaLab is a level editor for Oracle of Ages, similar to ZOLE. Instead of editing the ROM directly, it modifies files from the disassembly.

Setup on Windows

Start by setting up oracles-disasm. Then:

  1. Install .NET Core 3.1 Runtime (64-bit)
  2. Download LynnaLab
  3. (Only if using WSL) In the directory, you will find a file called "LynnaLab.bat". Open it in a text editor to see:
    LynnaLab.exe \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\<REPLACE WITH YOUR USERNAME>\oracles-disasm
    Replace the part after "LynnaLab.exe" with the path to the disassembly. To figure out what the path is, run the command explorer.exe . in Ubuntu to open explorer.exe, then press "Ctrl-L" in Explorer to get the path. It should end with "oracles-disasm". Copy it here. For example:
    LynnaLab.exe \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\joe\oracles-disasm
  4. Now, double-click on the ".bat" file to open the disassembly in LynnaLab.

The ".bat" file only exists because there is seemingly no way for GTK's file chooser to locate WSL files on Windows; so the path to the disassembly must be fed to LynnaLab directly.

Setup on Ubuntu 20.04/Debian

  1. Install GTK. On Debian or Ubuntu-like systems:
    sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-0 libgdiplus
  2. Install the .NET Core Runtime. This requires adding Microsoft's package repository. Note, the listed commands are only for Ubuntu 20.04 or OS's derived from it. (instructions here):
    wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
    sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-runtime-3.1
  3. Download LynnaLab
  4. In terminal cd into your downloads folder, keep in mind newer version of LynnaLab will have a different file name.
    cd ~/Downloads
    sudo chmod -R a+rwx ./LynnaLab
  5. Cd into the folder and run LynnaLab:
    cd LynnaLab
    dotnet LynnaLab.dll

Setup on Arch

This series of commands should install the required dependencies, download LynnaLab and start it.

sudo pacman -Syu dotnet-runtime-3.1 gtk3 wget unzip libgdiplus
mkdir ~/Lynnalab
cd ~/Lynnalab
sudo chmod -R a+rwx ./LynnaLab
cd LynnaLab
dotnet LynnaLab.dll

Setup on MacOS

WIP instructions, I've tried editing $PATH to include the MacPorts dylibs but I don't know what I'm doing. Someone please make this better. -YLC

  1. Download and extract .NET Core 3.1 Runtime
  2. Install MacPorts
  3. Install GTK and XOrgServer
    sudo port install gtk3 xorg-server libgdiplus
  4. Logout of the current session and log back in. This required for XOrg to work.
  5. Download LynnaLab
  6. In terminal cd into your downloads folder, keeping in mind newer version of LynnaLab will have a different file name.
    cd ~/Downloads
    sudo chmod -R a+rwx ./LynnaLab
  7. This is a terrible way of launching LynnaLab, but it works. You will also need to account for if you moved the folders elsewhere. If you know how, please fix this:
    cd /opt/local/lib
    ~/Downloads/aspnet-runtime-3.1.8-osx-x64/dotnet ~/Downloads/LynnaLab/LynnaLab.dll