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Author Topic: Transfering Tiles  (Read 2001 times)
Gamma 31
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« Reply #45 on: November 01, 2011, 10:14:17 PM »

Is there a check for essences that can be used in ZOSE? I think it'd be cool to be able to open new areas depending on how many essences you have.
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« Reply #46 on: November 01, 2011, 10:55:08 PM »

Is there a check for essences that can be used in ZOSE? I think it'd be cool to be able to open new areas depending on how many essences you have.
Not directly, but with the use of memory checks and jumps, you can easily use the value at the essence address.
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« Reply #47 on: November 02, 2011, 12:00:43 AM »

Is there a check for essences that can be used in ZOSE? I think it'd be cool to be able to open new areas depending on how many essences you have.
Not directly, but with the use of memory checks and jumps, you can easily use the value at the essence address.

More specifically, the memory address for the essences is: C6BF - (FF = all essences)

In Oracle of Nature I used that memory address in my ZOSE script for the event that happens after you have gained level 3s essence.

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Gamma 31
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« Reply #48 on: November 02, 2011, 12:04:10 AM »

OK, that makes sense. Could you please... explain it a bit more? I've actually gotten some practice with this stuff since I've been gone (in another video game, however), so I should be able to comprehend ~70% of it.

Also, how would you find the title graphics using Tile Layer Pro and VBA? I'm looking at the offsets VBA's Tile Viewer gives me, but I'm not seeing any correlation.
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« Reply #49 on: November 02, 2011, 01:41:59 AM »

OK, that makes sense. Could you please... explain it a bit more? I've actually gotten some practice with this stuff since I've been gone (in another video game, however), so I should be able to comprehend ~70% of it.

Also, how would you find the title graphics using Tile Layer Pro and VBA? I'm looking at the offsets VBA's Tile Viewer gives me, but I'm not seeing any correlation.
You would do a jump3bytemc with the memory address being C6BF and the value being:

1 Essence = 01
2 Essences = 03
3 Essences = 07
4 Essences = 0F
5 Essences = 0x1F
6 Essences = 0x3F
7 Essences = 0x7F
8 Essences = 0xFF
Gamma 31
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« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2011, 02:01:28 AM »

Do the values go after C6BF (ex. jump3bytemc C6BF FF), or would it take the place of BF?

Wait, never mind, I've got it. it would be jump3bytemc C6BF FF. What would the address to jump to be? The address of another interaction?

Couldn't we use 'checkmemory FF C6BF?'

Heh, one more thing: Is there a command in ZOSE to make the screen fade to white and then back again? And/or a command to make the puff the puff that appears when you defeat a boss?
« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 03:02:39 AM by Gamma 31 » Logged
LALE Creator
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« Reply #51 on: November 02, 2011, 03:17:10 AM »

Do the values go after C6BF (ex. jump3bytemc C6BF FF), or would it take the place of BF?

Wait, never mind, I've got it. it would be jump3bytemc C6BF FF. What would the address to jump to be? The address of another interaction?

Couldn't we use 'checkmemory FF C6BF?'

Heh, one more thing: Is there a command in ZOSE to make the screen fade to white and then back again? And/or a command to make the puff the puff that appears when you defeat a boss?

1. The jump address is just to some free space. You would do the exact same thing you did for when you first wrote the code (search for free space, writelocation and blah blah). Except you wouldn't set another interaction 72. It'd probably look something like:

writelocation XXXXXX
setinteraction72 xx
jump3bytemc C6BF FF YYYYYY

writelocation YYYYYY

2. Yes you could use checkmemory C6BF xx, setmemory C6BF xx or anything that has to do with actual memory addresses. It just depends on what you are wanting to actually do. If you want something to happen after you have say 3 essences then it would be checkmemory C6BF 07. If you wanted to like have some piece of code happen on a map but then when you got 3 essences have the whole map do something different you would go with jump3bytemc C6BF 07. And of course setmemory C6BF 07 would just make your character have 3 essences so you wouldn't really have that.

3. There is not an actual command, you would do it through a series of setmemorys. Lin wrote a tutorial up which can be found here:

4. I think you mean createpuff? Not sure though, bosses might have a different puff.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2011, 03:19:20 AM by Fatories » Logged

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