Ahhh! Glorious day, in which I return to the ZOLE community. It's been quite a while

Anyway, so I've been messing around with some of my old experiments that date back to ZOLE's beginning and I came across some maps I made and plans for an actual hack that I now plan on doing. I'll release those details at a later time, as for now I'd like to get your opinions on these set of maps I spent ever so long on (not).

-Well then, keep in mind that during the actual game the changes in the "dark" areas actually look fluent and presentable (IMO).
-Also I'm sure some of you may feel there is too much grass, but keep in mind I've done that in places because I want it to be semi realistic, because who the hell is going to mow the grass in a forest (yes I know its not grassy in a lot of forests, but in this one it is)?
-And don't forget that although some places may seem "empty", there may/may not be NPCs or various other things to fill them in.
-And finally, this, again, dates back a couple months so it's old and and has been untouched for ages (hahahaha see what I did there? :crying: I know, I fail at life) and I already can see some things I'd like to fix.