Static objects are objects that are capable of traveling with you from one screen to another. Carts, for example, will stay in the spot you last left them. Furthermore if you were somehow to change maps(by time warping inside a dungeon), the static object would still be there because once it's been loaded, it stays untill you exit a dungoen. Magnetballs in Seasons are also static objects.
Now while we are on the subject of interactions, there is one more bug to fix. F4 control type currently does not recognize the pointer as a pointer, but as seperate pieces of data. F4 basically sets bit 7 in the room flags once the screen is cleared of enemies(there is also an interaction that does this, but it could be that F4 adds that object automatically, I'll need to check).
I know the location of the control type pointers, so it's easy to check out what does what, or even be possible to add a new control type.
I'm going to have to look into that last part.
Anyway, it's been over a month, but it's making progress!