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Oracles Hacking / Ideas / Re: An Idea I had for one of the Biggest Zelda Games
on: June 12, 2013, 03:43:32 PM
I have to tell you, I had a similar idea. Not that all four maps would be different areas of the same world, but that (using a Seasons ROM and mechanics) each "season" would be much, MUCH different than the others. Obviously the "stump" would be in the same location, but other than that, the worlds would be similar in the sense of large landmarks (mountains for instance), but the forests and beaches and plains would all be different. There would be unique towns for each and NPCs would talk about their town or local area.
If you're interested, maybe we could talk about my idea (I've got a rough story for it, but I'm going to keep hush on that until I've actually started working on it and have some mapping done).
Oracles Hacking / Help / Assorted Dungeon Questions
on: June 10, 2013, 03:14:38 PM
I've started working on the caves and dungeons of my hack and as such, questions have come up. If I have more, I'll add them as we go along. I'm using the forum rather than IRC because I'm not in immediate need of the information and this will help others in the future.
1. I'm looking to replicate a portion of Kanalet Castle in my hack, including a portion where the button to open the door is under a pot. Now, it the Oracle series, putting a pot on the buttons can be used to trigger them, so I was just wondering if it was at all possible to do something such as this?
2. I'm obviously using portions of the underwater map for my cave system since I used the entire 16x16 overworlds to recreate Koholint. The problem is that my cave entrances are not acting like warps and are allowing me to pass into the next area on the map. Now, I do not have any warps set up on these caves just yet so that may be my problem, but I thought I'd ask.
As I undoubtedly come across other questions, I'll continue to add to this list.
Other / General Discussion / Re: Anyone Getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf?
on: June 09, 2013, 11:45:39 PM
Yeah, it's cool. I just wanted to see if anybody had the game first.
My 3DS code is 1762-2719-0554. I'll add you once I can get away from the wife and kid long enough to do it. I won't get the game until probably Friday though so I won't be able to play until then obviously.
Other / General Discussion / Anyone Getting Animal Crossing: New Leaf?
on: June 09, 2013, 01:08:54 PM
Just wondering if anybody was getting the new Animal Crossing. I will probably be getting it, but it will not be until later this week when I get paid.
If there are any other players, we should trade FCs so we can visit each others towns.
General GameBoy Hacking / General GameBoy Talk / Re: Which game do you like better?
on: June 07, 2013, 07:54:57 PM
I prefer Ages, but almost entirely because I love time-travel.
I agree that generally Seasons is a much easier game to deal with. The underwater portions of Ages were pretty empty and mostly unneccessary and I feel they were missed opportunity so I tried to really do something fun with the underwater portions in Return to Koholint.
Oracles Hacking / Help / Re: Some questions...
on: June 07, 2013, 07:49:56 PM
That's likely because they used the same cartridge parts for all games and games created could likely have cartridges purchases or manufactured in different years.
I am fairly certain Lin is correct though. The original plan was that they recreate the original Zelda, but then they repurposed the engine into the "Triforce Series" which consisted of three linked game, but that ultimately became too complex and they cut it down to two...the Oracle series...but Seasons started from that original Zelda remake.
Oracles Hacking / Help / Re: Rearrange Map Groups?
on: June 07, 2013, 07:44:01 PM
In a similar vein, my hack consists of almost entirely single floor dungeons (likely due to the limitations of the original GameBoy). Is there any way I can remove the other floors from the map or repurpose them as a different time?
Oracles Hacking / Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Return to Koholint
on: June 06, 2013, 02:55:46 PM
Decided that I am going to update the first post as well as include pictures in new posts so that you can see any new material without sorting through the main post. Here is what I have completed of the present underwater.  As you can see, the ruins of the island are still down there along with some new aquatic houses. Obviously, as I completed the underwater portions, I've had to update the overworld map as well in order to prevent diving into a solid wall and things like that, but I am keeping the original overworld image on the main post because that is the conceptual map I intended and the debris has been added simply due to gameplay necessity. I have roughly another 20-25 screens of underwater areas to create. Next, I'll start work on the cavern system and then I will start on the updated and time changed dungeons. I'm going to have to figure out a way to get the different sized dungeon rooms to translate without wasting a lot of space or having a lot of hallways.
Oracles Hacking / Beta Releases / Re: Beta 0.00
on: June 05, 2013, 12:07:02 PM
Looks good. I'll download tomorrow and play with it and a Seasons ROM.
Just curious, will there be any compatibility issues with this and a ZOLE 4 edited ROM? Obviously the editing functionality hasn't been added yet so you may not be sure, but based on your plans at least.
You can't edit anything, only view. This isn't meant to be a functional release, but rather to get feedback on the layout and the way things work. I'll have an option to import maps from ZOLE 4 modified ROMs, but that's it. Because of the different system I'll be using for interactions and a slight change with scripts, the rest will have to be ported manually. Right. Well, hopefully I'll finish Return to Koholint fairly quickly so I don't have to use "old" software to finish my hack. I haven't done a lot of the interactions or scripting yet though so if a usable release is finished before then and the systems work better for me, I might attempt to switch over. If the mapping will import correctly, I may start mapping on a Seasons hack I have been thinking about since I bought Seasons and just wait for ZOHS to work on the rest...
Oracles Hacking / Beta Releases / Re: Beta 0.00
on: June 05, 2013, 02:49:19 AM
Looks good. I'll download tomorrow and play with it and a Seasons ROM.
Just curious, will there be any compatibility issues with this and a ZOLE 4 edited ROM? Obviously the editing functionality hasn't been added yet so you may not be sure, but based on your plans at least.
Oracles Hacking / Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Return to Koholint
on: June 05, 2013, 12:31:26 AM
Yeah, it's really a trial-and-error thing with the text editing and the interactions are mostly just tedious. There are a few minor things, but I imagine aside from story related things there really won't be a lot of scripting (aside from all the ghini I still have to script for...though I noticed they did what I'm looking for in Seasons...likely a script unique to Seasons, but I am going to look into it to be sure) or memory hacking (though I've already created a startup script to fix issues with some flags for animals, linked games, etc.).
I don't really see a lot of opportunities to change things based on one time period or another. I will be checking for essences of course to trigger certain events, but I don't think I'll be doing any "change the past to advance in the future" gimmicks. Return to Koholint is a time travel story, but the game is really almost a game of two worlds rather than a linked and changing one. Am I making any sense? :001_huh:
Anyhow, I've completed a large chunk of the present underwater and will probably start working on the cave system next just so I can get an overworld alpha build ready for local and open testing.
Oracles Hacking / Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Return to Koholint
on: June 04, 2013, 05:33:31 PM
New update!
Uploaded a picture of a small portion of the underwater map to signify that I am now done with the past underwater (which is obviously the easier one since most of the map is not water). I can copy/paste certain portions of the past underwater to the present, but I will have to do a lot more mapping from scratch relative to the past time period.
Honestly, I love the story creation and the mapping portion of hacking, but I am getting more and more worried as I get closer to the point where the only thing left is interactions, scripting, and text editing. I'm a programmer, but the way things are structured in the ROM are not exactly how I would have done it if I coded from scratch so I'm not thrilled at the prospect of learning that system. :blink:
Oracles Hacking / Help / Re: Tileset Glitches After Transition
on: June 03, 2013, 12:59:29 AM
Something I had not considered that might be causing this problem is that I am using the wrong version when I open the editor. Honestly, I'm not even sure which version of the ROM I am using as I am fairly certain it was unlabeled when I downloaded it, but I have since renamed it so I really do not know for certain.
Could using the wrong version be causing the problem? Is there any way to determine which version I am using...even after I've completely mutilated it as I have? :confused1: