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An object is an entity in the game that is usually represented with sprites.


All memory in wram bank 1 is dedicated to storing memory for objects (4 kilobytes total). Each object has a dedicated 64 bytes of memory in this region.

There are a few different "classes" or types of objects. To help improve the speed of accessing objects, each class resides in a specific area of memory; in this way, the low byte of a particular class of objects is always the same, so the address of a particular variable can be determined with a simple register load, and no addition or indexing is required.

See include/structs.s for the memory layouts of objects.

Object type Memory region Slots (values for x) Object description ID List
Special object dx00-dx3f 0-1 Link, animal companion, maple, raft. Link is always in slot 0 (d000-d03f). constants/common/specialObjects.s
Parent item dx00-dx3f 2-5 These aren't normally drawn to the screen, but they act as sort of state-holders when using an item. constants/common/items.s
Item dx00-dx3f 6-f Swords, projectiles; anything that can damage or interact with an enemy. constants/common/items.s
Interaction dx40-dx7f 0-f Very general; these can be non-hostile entities like npcs, or they may not be drawn at all, instead existing only as scripts to carry out a sequence of events. constants/common/interactions.s
Enemy dx80-dxbf 0-f Hostile entities; these objects generally react when Link or an item collides with them. constants/common/enemies.s
Part dxc0-dxff 0-f Frequently used as an enemy's weapon or projectile, so they can cause damage to Link; but this is also a mish-mash of various things, including owl statues. constants/common/parts.s

[Legacy] Placing objects in ZOLE

When placing objects in ZOLE's interface, it has a number of "objects types" that indirectly relate to the object types listed above:

ZOLE type Description
Conditional Conditionally disables subsequent objects based on the value of wRoomStateModifier (cc32/cc4e); this value changes depending on the animal companion region, whether the room is underwater, whether room flag 0 is set on the overworld (which causes the game to load an alternate layout from the underwater overworld), and perhaps more.
No-value interaction Creates an interaction object with the given ID.
Double-value interaction Creates an interaction object with the given ID and Y/X values. (Sometimes the object will convert the "Y" value to a "Y/X" value, and use the given value of "X" for a different purpose.)
Object pointer A pointer to more object data. ZOLE doesn't know how to follow this, though.
Boss object pointer A pointer to object data that will be ignored if bit 7 of the room flags is set. Used in boss rooms.
Anti-boss object pointer A pointer to object data that will be ignored unless bit 7 of the room flags is set. Doesn't appear to be used?
Random-position enemy Creates an enemy with the given ID at a random position. Also takes a byte for flags (misleadingly called "quantity"; see below for explanation).
Specific-position enemy Creates an enemy with the given ID at a specific position. Also takes a byte for flags.
Owl Statue/Trigger/Switch Creates a part object with the given ID and position.
Quadruple-value object Creates an object of type "interaction" (0), "enemy" (1), or "part" (2). The "unknown" field gets written to the object's "var03" which may be used in various ways depending on the object.
Item drop Causes an item to drop at the specified position when a tile (ie. a bush) is destroyed there. See below for what the flags do. (This is actually a specific kind of "enemy" object.)


The "quantity" value for enemies, and "flags" value for item drops, actually serve a few purposes:

Bits Function Description
0 Always respawn If set, this enemy always respawns when reentering the room; otherwise, the game will remember when it's been killed for a little bit.

Applies to both enemy types, as well as "item drops" (so certain kinds of item drops may not respawn immediately).

1 Doesn't count as enemy If set, this enemy doesn't count toward wNumEnemies (cdd1). This variable is used for rooms where you must kill all enemies to proceed.

(Note: setting this bit won't prevent the enemy from decreasing wNumEnemies when killed, if it's the type of enemy that's coded to do so.)

2 Goes anywhere If set, randomly-placed enemies may go anywhere; the game does not reject solid walls, holes, etc. (Random-enemy objects only.)
3-4 Unused?
5-7 Quantity The number of enemies to randomly spawn. Random-enemy objects only.