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This page can be considered a roadmap for tutorials that we'd like to make. Those which are already completed have links to their respective pages.

Each section is ordered roughly by expected difficulty, with the easiest coming first.

General LynnaLab usage

Data structure hacking

  • Text editing (just edit text/{game}/text.yaml(ages/seasons))
  • Miniboss warps
  • Essence warps
  • (Ages) Underwater areas
  • Maku tree cutscenes (enable/disable)
  • Minecarts, minecart switches
  • Moving/removing seed tree graphics in code/{game}/roomGfxChanges.s(ages/seasons)


Scripting + ASM

  • NPCs
    • NPC Tutorial
    • NPCs which change behaviour as the game progresses (ie. essences)
  • Basic cutscenes

Pure ASM

  • Custom shops
  • Custom items/enemies
  • Porting objects between games (without graphics)
  • Porting objects between games (with graphics)
